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Ferret possible cleaning actions

Do ferrets smell bad?


Albinos have not much of  a scent or smell if the smell ever bothers which I doubt it would much you can change there decent instant by feeding them something else or you can use shampoo if you want.

Overall the idea of the bad smell to me is blown out of reality overall they smell pretty similar to a person without aftershave or perfume so there is not much to worry about.

Polecats may have a stronger smell but in general, it's nothing major to handle . I always found dogs or cats smell much worse overall or had stronger scent in all cases.

Polecats are overall very clean animals all they do smell wise do the toilet in the corner except for that they make basically no mess overall unless they play with something they can rip except for that no mess as a whole with them.

Eat very clean overall.

I met plenty of people seemed confused why my ferrets did not smell as bad as the story over claim so be aware the smell idea is not true for them cleaners is pretty common in these fuzzbuddys 


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