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Ferret possible cleaning actions

Do ferrets eat much?

 The ferrets will normally have small regular meals throughout the day best way you could imagine around the size of small burger will cover what they will eat per day but if they are bigger will require more food but not much expense for meat either way.

You will probably heard the idea of only feeding ferrets raw meat or food I will explain why I don't think this good idea.

Let's look at rabbits a lot of them have infections how can you possibly check before they eat each time? IT's basically impossible or other wild animals' same problems can be quite likely.

I know some people will only feed a ferret if they catch something to me kind of crue and puts the hob or jill life at risk since they are designed to eat on a regular basis meaning daily yes sure they can live a day without food but you should not then do that to your friend not good way to treat one.

You can easily get them meat from a supermarket, butcher or wholesaler or anything else.

I prefer giving them ferret biscuits to give them recommended doses of things they need plus all I had or got currently seem to love eating them but like always check what in it to make sure it's safe to eat if not don't give them if they get runny pool then don't give them something not going down there body right so swap onto another bad suited to what ferrets need.


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