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Ferret possible cleaning actions

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Ferret adventure personality

 A mind always wanting to do new things for fun or learning. Opening the door is something they enjoy doing for fun or learning all of them take having fun or going new places very seriously so allowing them to have a safe place in the house does them a lot of good health-wise for exercise or general exercise they need to do to keep healthy  No limit to what they can do more less so always be aware they can fit under most things or slide through things very fast and efficiently overall. Play them doing what they can do is a lot of fun plus makes them happy since they are very much social characters for most of the time which is a great experience short term or long term the whole playtime with them as such do it everyday of the week ferrets need you as much as you need them.

Rat tail how to cure it?

  A Ferret will sometimes depend the lose of fur on the tail area it can cure itself naturally often but if it does take longer you can fix this by brushing the ferret's tail on daily basic until the fur starts to come back. Rubbing the tail with your hands can work well for the tail . Normally happens around  the  end of summer time with the winter fur coming into but getting here a little bit late.

Time keeping

  All fuzzbubbys know time well so if you get up normally at 8am they will expect you to do  that always such as if you put them out to play at 9am they will expect you to do that all the time more less. I am not sure how they workout the time but they can do it well either way at 1pm they are always ready to get a walk since always do it around that time so if you do nothing at that time may get them annoyed some of the time so be aware of doing things since if the time is wrong it may annoy them sometimes so try and keep as much as possible to good timekeeping record with the fuzzbuddys

How to relax a angry ferret?

Some possible ideas  Food Quiet time Food can be a powerful way to relax them since most ferrets love eating so giving them something like that can help them relax more easily in most cases should work fast Putting the hob or jill into their house for a sleep or somewhere they can sleep or relax can be a great way to release the stress they may have some of the time it should work on them pretty fast most of the time which is a good way to keep them happy and well overall.

How fast can a ferret roll?

 I have seen many fuzzbuddys do this can do it as fast or faster than some people can run it's very integrating watching them do it in action. It will be normally done on the ground or grass or somewhere soft so they are safe and get enjoyment of rubbing their body across different areas and sometimes they will talk during it showing they are happy by doing that. Each one will burn up a lot of energy by doing it's so good when possible to get them onto good areas to have a pleasant roll around the area .